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Student Enrollment

2025-2026 Enrollment

Kindergarten & New Students


A colorful graphic announcing 2025 Kindergarten Registration dates for Mountain Brook Schools.


Returning Students

Registration emails have been sent to primary contact’s email addresses. Please make every effort to complete your student’s enrollment and data verification by March 5th. If you have any questions or concerns, please email


New Student Enrollment 2025-2026 School Year




  1. ONLINE: Click here to access online enrollment


  1. Visit the Mountain Brook Board of Education (32 Vine Street) between the hours of 7:30-4:30 (Monday-Friday)


Items you will need to bring with you:

  • Proof of residency: All pages of your signed warranty deed or lease agreement.  All occupants (including children) must be listed on the lease agreement. Proof of residency is not required for families who currently have students attending school in the district
  • Copy of a current utility bill
  • IF APPLICABLE, custody agreement or court-appointed guardian documentation in cases of parent separation, divorce, foster, other arrangements
  • Child's Social Security Card (voluntary)
  • Copy of Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Parent or Guardian Driver’s License
  • Current Certificate of Immunization, even if your child is not yet 5 years old


Please email or call 205-871-4608 if you have any

                          questions about requested documents or the registration process.

Kindergarten Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025

New Student Registration 2024-2025 (Current School Year)

Step 1:
Click here to complete the online registration form


Step 2:
Please bring the following documents to the Mountain Brook Board of Education at 32 Vine Street, Mountain Brook, 35213 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday.  No appointment is necessary. If you have any questions regarding the documents listed below, please call 205-871-4608 or email:

You will need to bring with you:

  • Proof of residency: All pages of signed warranty deed or lease agreement.  Lease agreements will need to list all occupants in home (including children)
    • Proof of residency is not required for families who currently have students attending school in the district 

    • Copy of current utility bill (not required for families who currently have students enrolled in MBS)

    • IF APPLICABLE, custody agreement or court-appointed guardian documentation in cases of parent separation, divorce, foster, other arrangements

    • Child's Social Security Card (voluntary)

    • Birth Certificate or other proof of age

    • Copy of parent or guardian’s driver’s license

    • Most current Certificate of Immunization (Original Form) even if your child is not yet 5 years old.

  • All Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024.


Step 3:

Elementary School Fees
The links below are for the payment of school fees.  If your child is in grades 7-12, school fees will be paid during the summer registration dates.

For questions, please contact


Words from former Mountain Brook students: